
Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children on Social Media

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You can keep up with Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children through our content hub or social media sites.

We hope you'll stay connected.

Content Hub

At Orlando Health Arnold Palmer, we want to help parents raise healthier kids. Our content hub provides useful health tips, best practices from pediatricians, patient stories, news and more. Our physicians provide insight on relevant topics like development, weight management, injury prevention and other health issues that affect kids.


Follow us on Facebook where we share information and stimulate discussion on the health topics that you care about. You’ll see news, photos and updates about what’s going on at the hospital.


Here’s where you can find patient stories that will inspire and touch your heart — while illustrating the amazing care that is happening at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer. We also post videos of our physicians and clinical experts explaining medical conditions, procedures and specialized programs we offer.


Never miss a beat, or a tweet! Follow us on Twitter, and keep up with trending topics and news here at the hospital and in the community.


See what’s going on at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer and comment on your favorite posts. Follow us on Instagram and double tap all your favorite pics and videos.


If you like it, pin it! On our Pinterest page, you can follow and share everything from inspiring stories to parenting advice. We have over two dozen boards already!