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Oncofertility Program

Planning for Your Child's Future

Many pediatric cancer survivors wish to start families and have children of their own one day. But some cancer treatments can affect a child's fertility (ability to have future children). This is why it is important to think about your child's fertility before cancer treatment starts.  

We understand that planning for your child's future after a cancer diagnosis is difficult. At Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, specialists in the Oncofertility Program are here to support you and your child. We work with you to create a personalized plan for your child's future.

What Is the Oncofertility Program?

Our Oncofertility Program brings together oncology (cancer) and fertility experts to help preserve your child's ability to have children in the future. The Oncofertility Program is a joint effort between specialists within Urology, Adolescent Gynecology and the Haley Center for Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer. We are the only pediatric fertility preservation program in central Florida.

What Cancer Treatments Affect a Child's Fertility?

Cancer treatments that can affect a child's fertility include:

  • Surgeries, such as having the testicle(s) or ovarie(s) removed
  • Radiation
  • Chemotherapy

Side effects of cancer treatments that affect fertility may include:

  • Changing sperm production in boys
  • Lowering the number of eggs in girls
  • Changing hormone production in boys and girls
  • Damaging reproductive organs in boys and girls

Our Services

After your child receives a cancer diagnosis, our dedicated nurse navigator will reach out to your family and doctors. Together, we will determine if there is a low, medium or high risk of cancer treatment affecting your child's fertility. Our nurse navigator will discuss your options and help you find doctor referrals, financial assistance to pay for treatments and other resources.

Fertility preservation options for boys include:

  • Semen cryopreservation (freezing the semen)
  • Referrals for removing reproductive organs or tissues to preserve them

Fertility preservation options for girls include:

  • Use of medication to suppress periods that may help preserve eggs
  • Oocyte cryopreservation (freezing the egg)
  • Embryo cryopreservation (freezing a fertilized egg)
  • Ovarian tissue cryopreservation (freezing the tissue of the ovaries)
  • Referrals for removing reproductive organs or tissues to preserve them

Our Multidisciplinary Team

Our team includes:

  • Pediatric oncologists (childhood cancer specialists)
  • Pediatric urologists (urinary and male reproductive system specialists)
  • Adolescent gynecologists (young female reproductive system specialists)
  • Reproductive endocrinologists (fertility specialists)
  • Genetic counselors

Contact Us

For more information about the Oncofertility Program, please call us at (321) 841-8588.