
The Rare Brain Tumour Consortium Registry and Biobank

The Rare Brain Tumour Consortium Registry and Biobank

  • Clinical Trial Information

    Trial Contact: Spinelli, Jennifer; Parker, Melanie; Dubberly, Paige D

  • IRB No: 19.017.02

    Protocol Abbrev: RBTCR

    Principal Investigator:

    Age Group: Pediatric

    Secondary Protocol No: RBTCR

  • Objective

    To support translational research for all children with a suspected of confirmed diagnosis of rare pediatric central nervous system tumors

  • Key Eligibility

    All patients (from age 0-18 years) who are suspected or diagnosed with rare central nervous
    system tumors (ETANTR/ETMR, PNET/embryonal brain tumor with BCOR/FOXR2 alterations
    and not otherwise specified (NOS), ATRT-and other CNS rhabdoid tumors, central nervous
    system mesenchymal tumors NOS, pineal region embryonal tumors) on clinical criteria will be
    eligible to participate.