
Motility Disorder Symptoms and Diagnostics

Symptoms of a Gastrointestinal Motility Disorder

Many different symptoms may indicate a gastrointestinal motility disorder. Some of these include:

  • Bloating and swollen abdomen
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Fecal incontinence and soiling
  • Gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying
  • Heartburn
  • Persistent nausea and vomiting
  • Unexplained chest pain
  • Weight loss or appetite loss

Diagnostic Procedures

The following are common indications for manometry testing to diagnose a motility disorder. Manometry measures muscle contractions throughout the digestive tract.

Esophageal Manometry

  • To explain esophageal dysfunction that is not explained by anatomic or well-defined etiologies
  • To investigate dysphagia and odynophagia
  • For diagnosis of achalasia or other primary esophageal motor disorders
  • In the post treatment evaluation of patients with achalasia and recurrent symptoms
  • To investigate noncardiac chest pain
  • Prior to fundoplication when a severe motility disorder is suspected

Antroduodenal Manometry

  • To establish the presence of pseudo-obstruction
  • To classify pseudo-obstruction into myopathic or neuropathic forms
  • To evaluate unexplained nausea and vomiting
  • To distinguish between rumination and vomiting
  • To exclude generalized motility dysfunction in patients with dysmotility elsewhere (e.g., before colectomy)
  • To evaluate patients with pseudo-obstruction being considered for intestinal transplant
  • To possibly help predict outcome after feeding or after drug use in patients with pseudo-obstruction

Colonic Manometry

  • To evaluate patients with intractable constipation
  • To evaluate children with pseudo-obstruction for the establishment of the presence of colonic involvement and to characterize the relationship between motor activity and persistent symptoms
  • To establish the pathophysiology of persistent symptoms in selected children with Hirschsprung disease, imperforate anus, intractable constipation and other colorectal problems
  • To assess colonic motor activity prior to intestinal transplant
  • To assess segmental activity prior to colonic resection.
  • To assess efficacy of cecostomy

Anorectal Manometry

  • To diagnose a non-relaxing internal anal sphincter
  • To diagnose pelvic floor dyssynergia
  • To evaluate postoperative patients with Hirschsprung disease who have obstructive symptoms and to evaluate the effect of anal sphincter-directed therapies
  • To evaluate patients with fecal incontinence
  • To evaluate postoperative patients after imperforate anus repair
  • To decide whether the patient is a candidate for biofeedback therapy
  • Biofeedback therapy for chronic constipation, encopresis and bowel rehab

For more information about the Motility Center, please call (321) 841-3338